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====== DavisGig Goals and Organizational needs ====== How will the DavisGig effort operate to fulfill the clearly articulated goal. There seem to be several areas that need to be focused on. This project will probably take 3-5 years and has phases. - First, this group needs to grow public support, educate council members, prepare a full proposal with detailed estimated costs, comparing and contrasting different Gigabit models, and get a successful vote at the Council. - Then, keep up the outreach efforts (Davis Enterprise story a good beginning once costs are known) and get a bond measure passed to pay for implementation. Get neighborhood-based registration web site and do a 90-120 day registration drive. That tells us where to start the deployment. - We need to have detailed technical plans of exactly what we want installed with this bond money that we can use as a starting point when we engage with the consultancies that will be contracted with to put the infrastructure in the ground. We need to tell them exactly what we want, and understand how they are going to implement it. - We stay with the project as it is deployed in neighborhoods, and coordinate with the city to combine any water or street work or anything else that can be implemented at the same time, and closely monitor the process and costs to make sure things are being done right. - As the project is finished and for some years afterward, review operations, costs and benefits, and look to outlying areas. Organizational Areas * Technical Operations * Public Outreach/PR * Partners - UC Davis, Yolo County * Political * Executive ====== Meeting Minutes ====== * 01.24.2015 Meeting

operations.1425519377.txt.gz · Last modified: 2015/03/04 17:36 by help