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Food and Condiments

Health and Beauty

Home Servicies, Furnishings and Interior Design

Industry and Technology -- Bio-Tech, Biomed, Construction, Engineering, Environmental firms and other.
e-mail to yamagata@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us
- Regenavet -- Bone marrow stem cell treatment for valuable cats and dogs and other animals... (530) 902-9006
- A & L Services Excavating -- and Bull Dozing, Discing, Ditch Cleaning , Grading-Pad Construction
- Blue Sky Filters -- Filters of all types... 800-648-2247
- Calibration Plus -- grain & seed handling equipment; calibration, repair services & sales for meters, thermometers, micrometers and pressure guages; QC Lab; ISO 9002 certification
- FCI Products -- Marina fueling systems
- Petro Team -- Want to build your own multi-purpose service station: start here...
- Port-a-Cool -- for portable evaporative cooling units... (559) 638-3627


Internet Service Providers

Music and Sound


Pet and Veterinary

Political and Election Content

Professionals, and Individuals
- Bob Bockwinkel -- Real estate agent; Davis,CA
- Terris McMahan Grimes -- Mystery Writer
- MEGAN EVANS, M.S., M.F.C.C. -- providing mental health services to children, adolescents, families and adults... (530) 297-1961
- C & M Humphrey & Associates
- Mike Jansen, Over 29 Years Experienced Attorney for Automobile Accidents, Personal Injury, Wrongful Death, Dog Bites, Serious Injuries,
Appellate Law... 530-668-7600
- Clive Parker (Fan Club) -- Book Author, Noted Journalist and Columnist
- Gilbert A. Roque, Attorney at Law
- Michael Syvanen, PhD -- Papers on horizontal gene transfer.
- Sandra Tokunaga, Literary Agent -- send
e-mail to yamagata@wheel.dcn.davis.ca.us
- PRINTED MATTER by Elisabeth Sherwin, a column in the Davis Enterprise
- Pets, Vets, You, and Dr. Sue by Sue Pounds DVM
- Virtual Market Enterprises -- Web design
- G.Richard Yamagata PhD, Webmaster/Web advertising specialist. 530-753-9750

next Attraction! Historic Homes on the Net -- Woodland's
"Community Stroll Through History".
Real Estate and Property

next Attraction! Fourth of July on the Net,
Philip Roger's
"Timeline of the Revolutionary War".
Advanced Fitness Evaluation Services -- Private investigation and security systems
Architectural Paintings and Details -- FINE ART ON COMMISSION
Betty Foster Spry Stained Glass
Bob Bockwinkel Lyan Real Estate and Associates
Davis Woodland Carpet Care -- Carpet, upholstery and drapery cleaning... 661-3040
<Richard W DeHaven -- An educational web site about Gualala River.
JClick Design -- Desktop publishing and art design
JLM Carpet Care -- for cleaning, restoration, and repair.
Miller Home Care -- Meticulous home and apartment cleaning... 758-7024
Petro Team -- Want to build your own multi-purpose service station: start here...
Rocky's Barbershop... 530 666-2991
Super Savings Insurance Services for auto, home, commercial and life insurance... 530 662-2520
Ultra Clean Pool Services -- Pool Cleaning service and Supplies... 530-758-2964

Transportation and Travel
- Yolo Bus... Yolo county rapid transit bus schedules and routes

The Davis Virtual Market (c) 1997, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011 Virtual Market Enterprises. All rights reserved.
G.Richard Yamagata PhD, Webmaster/Agent.