Linguists Currently Working on Hupa Language


Dr. Victor Golla, Humboldt State University, Native American Studies Department

Edward Sapir's Hupa Texts. English Translations and Notes, Edited by Victor Golla, unpublished. Sapir's Hupa Texts were collected in 1927.

Hupa Language Dictionary by the Hoopa Valley Tribe, 1983. Organized by subject.

Hupa Stories, Anecdotes, and Conversations by the Hoopa Valley Tribe, 1984. Told by Louise Jackson, Ned Jackson, and Minnie Reeves. Recorded, transcribed, and translated by Victor Golla.

A Short Practical Grammar of Hupa by Victor Golla, for the Hupa Language Program, Hoopa Valley Tribe, December 1985, is a technical linguistic work and is of great value for advanced students of the Hupa language.

Now You're Speaking Hupa, 1994, Hoopa Valley Tribe, is a short small book which contains the basics such as numbers, colors, animals, etc. and everyday conversational language such as "I'm tired", "Pass me the salmon", etc. It was developed under the direction of Jill Sherman Fletcher in preparation for a weekend language immersion program for families. Research compiled by Hupa Indian Language Classes, and Victor Golla, Linguist, Humboldt State University

Hupa Language Dictionary, 2nd Edition, by the Hoopa Valley Tribe, 1996. Organized by A to Z English words. Compiled by Victor Golla and edited by Hupa Elders and Hupa Language Classes.




Dr. Ruth Bennett, Humboldt State University, Center for Indian Community Development

Four Songs from Alice Pratt In the Hupa Language of California, 1994.

Teaching Reading with Puppets, 2000
