print $query->radio_group(-name=>'group_name',


   print $query->radio_group('group_name',['eenie','meenie','minie'],


   print $query->radio_group(-name=>'group_name',

radio_group creates a set of logically-related radio buttons (turning one member of the group on turns the others off)

  • The first argument is the name of the group and is required (-name).

  • The second argument (-values) is the list of values for the radio buttons. The values and the labels that appear on the page are identical. Pass an array reference in the second argument, either using an anonymous array, as shown, or by referencing a named array as in ``\@foo''.

  • The optional third parameter (-default) is the name of the default button to turn on. If not specified, the first item will be the default. You can provide a nonexistent button name, such as ``-'' to start up with no buttons selected.

  • The optional fourth parameter (-linebreak) can be set to 'true' to put line breaks between the buttons, creating a vertical list.

  • The optional fifth parameter (-labels) is a pointer to an associative array relating the radio button values to user-visible labels to be used in the display. If not provided, the values themselves are displayed.

  • HTML3-compatible browsers (such as Netscape) can take advantage of the optional parameters -rows, and -columns. These parameters cause radio_group to return an HTML3 compatible table containing the radio group formatted with the specified number of rows and columns. You can provide just the -columns parameter if you wish; radio_group will calculate the correct number of rows for you.

    To include row and column headings in the returned table, you can use the -rowheader and -colheader parameters. Both of these accept a pointer to an array of headings to use. The headings are just decorative. They don't reorganize the interpetation of the radio buttons -- they're still a single named unit.

  • When the form is processed, the selected radio button can be retrieved using:

          $which_radio_button = $query->param('group_name');

    The value returned by radio_group is actually an array of button elements. You can capture them and use them within tables, lists, or in other creative ways:

        @h = $query->radio_group(-name=>'group_name',-values=>\@values);