Meeting Notes
  Davis Manor Neighborhood Council
Board Meeting Notes

April 27, 2004

Attending: Fred Buderi, Aaron Ristow, Jen Nachmanoff, Kevin Wolf, Mark Pollock
Draft Notes by Kevin
  1. Annual Party
    1. Date: Saturday June 26 from 5:30 – 10 pm
    2. Location: N Street Park
    3. Music: Permit for amplified music – Mark. Life music - Everyone should be looking for live music to play that evening. Contact Mark Pollock at
    4. Food, raffle, etc to be decided at the planning meeting scheduled for May 17 7:30 pm at 716 N Street. All are welcome.
  2. Annual Garage Sale
    1. Date: Saturday morning from 9 am til noon on June 26
    2. Location: Anywhere in the neighborhood. Everyone is encouraged to participate.
    3. How: The DMNC board will pay for an ad in the Enterprise, post flyers, put in the press release and an article in the neighborhood newsletter.
    4. Anyone interested in hosting a fundraising garage sale for the neighborhood where people could donate items to it?
  3. Board Officer election
    1. The board members selected Fred Buderi as president, Mark as Vice President, and Jen as Treasurer. A board secretary is still needed. Any volunteers? Contact Fred at
  4. Next Newsletter
    1. An editor is needed to put the articles together into a final product. Kevin will help.
    2. Jen will write the articles for the Garage Sale and Party.
    3. Kevin will write an update on the Colgate Traffic Calming.
    4. Mark will interview and write a story about the Mazes on L Street who have lived in the neighborhood since the very first houses were made.
    5. Fred will write up a summary on the new Board Members and give a shopping center update.
    6. Jen will write up info on how to become a paid member and list the members.
    7. Kevin will write short write up on the website.
    8. Craig Blomberg will be asked to write an update on the path to the community garden.
  5. Next Board meeting
    1. The board will meet immediately after the meeting on annual party on May 17. The party meeting should take about 30 minutes. The board meeting will go until around 9 pm. The meeting will be at 716 N Street. All are welcome.

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